Hey guys.. and gals haha. MY DMC series!
Anyway i just submitted my latest Devil May Cry flash in the 'mission' series and it came out really well! i'm so happy because its my first flash that i am proud of that i have submitted to NG.
guys im puzzled tho.... why isnt there a devil May Cry Collection on Newgrounds? i mean there are at least 15 good devil may cry flash' so doesn't that mean that it deserves a collection?
well my latest flash brings my flash count up to 4 and hopefully 8 by the time my devil May Cry series is finished xD!
im not sure if this is allowed but here is the link to my latest flash ( xD) if you want to check it out!
400443 - woohoo! man im so proud of my series!!!
oh yeah.. egorapter.. where is you're latest compilation?
Today's the 17. Not the 19. Therefore it has not been submitted.