Hey everyone!
About a year ago i decided to quit making flash because frankly, the stuff i was making was not the best of my ability...so i decided to take a break and practice. I literally spent 6 months drawing and practicing animation and i started up the completion of dmcm3 four months ago, which i began making last may but quit because i wanted to improve.
Unfortunately the FLA. file reached 212mb which my flash 8 program could no longer open, but luckily i managed to download the CS4 trial which was able to open my monster of a flash file. despite the fact that i had to wait three minutes to even go from 'scene 3' to 'scene 4' and crashes every 30 minutes, i have finally....nearly gotten it complete. i exported the file after 20 failed attempts at exporting and it all worked out perfectly in the end... however....
THE SWF IS 16MB! i had assumed that the maximum you could upload to NG was 20mb and i never bothered to check that it was actually 10mb. i have already compressed the hell out of my swf and cant do so anymore without seriously screwing up the quality of sounds and music! i read that there is a way that i can still get my swf on NG by "sending it in" but i have no clue how to do so or who to send it to!
anyway i will get it sorted even if it takes me another month.... because of the amount of work i have put into this thing! can anyone give me any pointers on what to do in my situation! the MGS collab is liek 28MB lol!
lol here is a picture! thanks everyone! Chris aka SiMpSoN-bRuVaS