10/10 happy clock day ur movie was great dude
10/10 happy clock day ur movie was great dude
So was yours. Happy Clock Day.
loved it
i read throuigh most of the reviews that you responded too lol!
my favourite one ..(i lauhged my ass off for ten minuits) was the guy who critisised you're movie for the fact that Goku was fake!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
man, honesltly you have immense tallent! please buy flash and make another few of these, seriously, you could make alot of money out o doing this kind of stuff!
U R.o.C.K"""
Thanks dude, some people do say such stupid things sometimes don't they!
hahahahah lolol
the end was superb so funny the music made it 100% perfect when he ran out of bullets great choice i laughed. it flowed well from start to finish, make a sequel plox, or has he really been eaten :((. great flash hope to see more by you. ty
hey, there could be a sequel, there could be a prequel, there could something totally unrelated but still with spudboy! i'm happy you liked the music, i thought i made good choices and its good to know someone else thought so too!
thanks for the review!
hehe liked it man
liked it alot bro
i donno just something great about it xD
thanks bro
well done lol i loved the it wen he
got kiked out of the store and "come to my car" lol im glad he killed his family although Gohan is cool plz put krillin in the next episode lol
gohan could be alive :3
i meen he did move out of hes perends house eh?
and krillin will be in an episode soon
really enjoyed it u r talented
u clearly have emense potential. next time maybe do something with characters and sound. thanks. i enjoyed
Thanks man, and i sure will be putting more effort into something new. (this was just fufilling the brief for an assignment.) :P
i liked it
thought it was interesting lol.. enjoyed it
happy to hear.
i faught it woz very good.... i luv seeing these metal gear parodies and even more when they are ctually good .... wel dun lookin forward to nxt episode !
thanks, ill get right on it =]
i gave it a 5/5 cuz i kinda like it .. i thougth it az a good flash for a first go this movie devil may cry ... showtime ... pweeze !! fanx
Thanks, man! :D
pretty funni we
yhh m8 dis woz hevy .. vry wel dun i liked the way goku looks. vry gd series make sum mor funni shit like dis ..!!!!!
Cheers guvna!
Hello everyone. It is mostly me and my brother that are on Newgrounds. Despite being new to Newgrounds i am learning more about flash each day and can hopefully submit something soon. ---------- Devil May Cry M3 coming soon
Age 34, Male
London, England
Joined on 3/29/06