lol pretty funny. i didnt understand what the fuck was going on and i have no idea what just happened... but hey.. i just like to 5 things when im bored...The animation was actually really well done! nice one
lol pretty funny. i didnt understand what the fuck was going on and i have no idea what just happened... but hey.. i just like to 5 things when im bored...The animation was actually really well done! nice one
I like to vote 4, I reserve 5 for stuff that has beavers in
i thought this was really good! great animation as well as comedy value. i dont understand how this has received a 3.23???? what the hell... the aniamtion and style was superb..especialliy the way you kind of took the piss out of it a bit. anyway i cant wait for god of war 3 too! so even though i wasnt sure.....your flash has pushed me to go buy that god of war collection to replay 1 and 2 in HD!!!...but flash was great....
animation 5/5
design 5/5
sound 5/5
comedy 5/5 ...........overall?????
lol been there before
you dont go to sleep one night and you end up constantly going to be at like 7 am and sleeping in till 5.30 pm to wake up and find that dinners ur having dinner for breakfeast everytime you get up.. all because you stayed up late that one night!....then you decide to fix it by GETTING BACK TO A GOOD cant make yourself go to bed early ....cuz... the onyl option is to stay up and go to bed when your completely tired after being awake for about 30 hours..... unfortunently i did the same thing as in the flash but became kind of overtired....didnt "GET BACK TO A GOOD SCHEDULE" after being awake for four days....then luckily slept for about 26 hours and BINGO MY SCHEDULE WAS FIXED.... anyway.....enough mad rambling.....great flash as usual 5/5
Heh, yeah, that happens sometimes. It's always hard to do, but sometimes it works! Sometimes!
Nice work
very good work liked it alot the animation was top notch all though the art was not upto matching quality. Some parts of this were really funny aka most of the sephiroth stuff, however the flash was very long. Overall 9/10 would vote 9.5 if i could but its not quite a 10.
i can live with a 9.5 :D
really funny
i thought it was pretty funny and really well done. nice one! 5/5
5/5 10/10
lol deaf retard xD, that was a little bit harsh! Yea very nice job really funny and a lot of very good tips (lol) Kinda reminds me of how to succeed on newgrounds (without any of the quality)
The thing which saves the flash for me is the dialogue, very well thought out and very funny. Also i liked the fact that some flash was used as most movies which solely use google images dont tend to do so well. And you know what, despite whatever score this gets i truely believe its got a chance at the front page as one of the MODS of the front page seems to like random funny stuff like this.
thank you sir
not exclusively flash but..
that doesnt matter i really enjoyed this.
the animation, music and art were very very good. The concept was also very good. The quality was poor in terms of quicktime conversion to swf but that cant be helped. The movement was very smooth and the bit where he gets his black outline at the start was very nice. Very nice work although you should really make an icon especially when its in the portal, it makes the flash seem more professional and stops idiots who are looking for blam points from blaming your work without watching it.
Thanks man I was wondering how people would respond to a more traditional style on newgrounds, not to bad so far! :D
short but great!!!!
clouds voice actor was pure quality ridiculously good voice it fitted the character perfectly. Yea no one likes yuffie i mean she steals from them all the time and they still dont kill her in the game. Animation was very nice the facial expressions and movement of the arms and body went perfectly with the tone of the dialogue. Very nice job, this should be added to the final fantasy collection! I have also made a ff flash but its no where near as funny as this! great job
lol, i will check them out! i did the voices (cept yuffie, that was my roomate) so im glad you like them!
yea this was quite fun to watch nice editing i enjoyed it
i liked this alot as it was funny, nice, and simple!
Animation: 7/10 there was some good animation in this movie, alot of nice simple frame by frame which was well drawn.
Art 5/10 nice simple drawings nothing to special or to bad
story/concept: 9/10 The concept was simple basically just some random psyco stick figure man throwing a spear at someones head then ripping out his own eye ball lol. NOW THATS WHAT I CALL RANDOM and i like random stuff like this.
overall 8/10 nice little flash which probably took only an hour or so to create but it was fun to watch so good job. for future projects try to add a real plot to your movies and make them longer (but keep the randomness)
thanks for the awesome review.
Hello everyone. It is mostly me and my brother that are on Newgrounds. Despite being new to Newgrounds i am learning more about flash each day and can hopefully submit something soon. ---------- Devil May Cry M3 coming soon
Age 34, Male
London, England
Joined on 3/29/06